August 11, 2013

Playing in the Rain

We had an awful down pour! So, guess who decided to go play in the rain... Somehow, Brooklyn ended up running in the street in her underwear! - Needless to say, Mommy was not too thrilled with that!

 They chased either other up and down the street, danced, and splashed!

 Oh, what sweet memories!

August 2, 2013

1 month

At Addison's one month visit...
She was 22 in long and 10.37 pounds
(80th percentile for both measurements)

She sleeps for no longer than 3 hours at a time and wants to constantly eat and be held! Yes, she is spoiled! But from experience, time passes by so quickly that I can't help but hold her any time I get a chance! - However, sleep for me would be nice!