March 26, 2010

Jackson's Birthday Party

It was so much fun watching Jackson tear into his cake and presents!
What a mess! Brooklyn is looking forward to having cake for the first time!
For some reason, Brooklyn thought it was her party and Jackson quickly reminder her that this was HIS gift!
What a cute-clean-Birthday Boy!

Jackson's first Birthday

On Jackson's first birthday, we all went to the Aquarium at Moody Gardens in Galveston. Brooklyn was so excited to watch the seals and penguins swim. She squealed so loud, that everyone would stop and stare. We had a blast!
Happy first Birthday, Jackson!

Big Girl

Brooklyn is so close to walking. She will walk with you, if you hold her hands and she'll stand on her own next to the furniture. However, she still lacks the confidence to take her first steps on her own. It won't be long and she'll be running!


The first weekend of March was our FIRST weekend AWAY from Brooklyn. We brought Brooklyn back a doll and several books from her favorite show "Max and Ruby".

Great-Grandma's Birthday

On February 13th, we celebrated my Grandmother's Birthday!
I think we have a future pianist in the family.