December 29, 2012

Station 38

Today we went and visited daddy at his station. Brooklyn got to sit in the drivers seat. Daddy honked the horn, made the sirens blare, and the lights flash.
Brooklyn wanted to put on daddy's gear, but the helmet was too heavy. She couldn't hold her head up with it on. Both Brooklyn and I are so proud of our family hero!

December 25, 2012


After over a year in the garage, I finally got the chance to put out my yard art!

Picture with Santa

To get ready for Santa Claus, Brooklyn and I made Star Cookies to show Santa the way to the Jesus' manger.

The next morning was Christmas Eve, and we went to Linda's house for Brunch.

 Brooklyn was so excited about the Tinkerbell Costume that she had to put in on!!!
 She decided to spread her Fairy love around the room and give everyone hugs and kisses.
 Later that evening, we went to Richard's Parent's house for Christmas Eve Dinner.

 After we got home, Brooklyn put out the cookies for Santa. On the way to the table, she spilt the cookies on the floor. Then she proceeded to sneeze on the cookies that didn't have dog hair on them. Unfortunately, that is all that we had to give Santa, so he got STAR - dog hair-sneezed on cookies! YUMMY!!!

The next morning was CHRISTMAS DAY!! Some how we managed not to get a single photo of OUR Christmas Morning. I guess we took nothing but VIDEO. How smart on our behalf!
After we opened presents, we went to Richard's Parent's house for Christmas Morning Breakfast.

 Brooklyn was a big helper!
 We made Blueberry Reindeer Pancakes as seen on Pinterest! So much fun and super delicious!
 We then opened MORE presents! Brooklyn received Angus (horse from Brave) and an ART easel to make learning at Nana's school even more fun!

 Later we went to Jachel's house and had Christmas with the Hunts!
 Brooklyn received a Merida Blanket and Barbie- Jackson received a TONKA Fire Truck and Baby Shay received a musical purse toy set.
To round out the festivities, we went to my parent's house on Christmas Evening!


 Brooklyn received stickers from GIGI and became a sticker monster - trying to cover everyone in the house with stickers. Unfortunately, Daddy received the most LOVE and sticker attention. Ouch, that's gonna hurt when he has to take them off!!
To all my family,
Thank you for a very memorable CHRISTMAS! We love you all so much and greatly enjoy spending OUR HOLIDAY with you all!
Here is to a GREAT past year, and a BLESSED NEW YEAR!

November 25, 2012

Danbury 2012

For the last several years, we have gone to Sagemont's "The Lodge" at Danbury. We always have a wonderful time with friends that have accepted us as family. We celebrate Thanksgiving together, fish, and make crafts. This year, a football game was introduced that is likely to be a annual event!

 Misty looked exhausted carrying around TWO babies. Thankfully, the wait is almost over!

 TEAM LOSERS! Oh, I mean 2nd place WINNERS!!