November 13, 2009

Ready to Crawl

Brooklyn is so close to crawling. On November 1st, she started pulling her knees up. Now, she has started rocking back and forth. She is beginning to move one leg at a time, just an inch! Put every move is PROGRESS!! This is my brother!

Cute As A BUG!

A Lady Bug that is...
Brooklyn made her parents take her Trick-or-Treating to the neighbors house. After many tears and complaints that everyone else gets to go, We finally gave in!
Ok, I lied. I bought her costume in August as soon as the Halloween costumes arrived on the shelves. When it finally got dark, it was well past her bedtime. In fact she had already been asleep for 2 1/2 hours. So you can imagine the complete disappointment she had when I woke her up to go trick-or-treating. She couldn't have cared less, but Mom was the one who had the most fun!
Here are the TWO houses that we went to. Meet Our neighbors!

November 1, 2009

Trying new foods

It has been one month since we started feeding Brooklyn solid food and it is amazing how good she is at eating! She has liked everything we have given her so far, and she opens her mouth when she wants more! Here are pictures of Brooklyn and all the new foods she is trying: PEAS-Go-Tee Yum, I like sweet potatoes. "More Please"
Ok, I did not do this on purpose. She kept moving and the mess got bigger and bigger, until she finally had .... ... Banana-Stache!