October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween!!!!

Brooklyn is really into
Beauty and the Beast,
So she dressed up as Belle!

 After dinner we headed out for a little trick or treating.
She tried to reach the door bell, but didn't always reach!

 At one house, the ghost moved up and down. She was supposed to be scared of it. However, she said Hi! She really cracked up the ladies giving out candy!

 After trick or treating we ate caramel-chocolate covered apples. They were amazing!

At one point Brooklyn tried to see how many Minnie's she could hold in hands!
I think the count was up to six!

Happy Halloween!
To daddy, we are sorry you couldn't join in the fun!
We really missed you!

October 20, 2011

Enjoying the weather

The weather is FINALLY nice enough for us to spend an evening outside! For the last two nights we have been playing with the neighbors and the dog!

Nothing like a good round of golf in the back yard!

 FOUR!!!! or FORE!!!!

Bo, is sooooo happy to running and catching his favorite Frisbee again!
I just can't wait for the mosquitoes to go away!!!
Brooklyn calls them - MOSS -QEE-TOES! Nothing like a good round of golf in the backyard!!

October 8, 2011

Baby Shower

We are preparing for a brand new addition to our family, Harley Ryan Holmes. Today, we had a baby shower for my sister.
 Of course, the only picture we could with Brooklyn looking descent.... was one with food in her mouth!
 I had the cake and my mom helped me make cake pops! So good, I could 50!

 The hostess' purchased her glider and ottoman and the family purchased the crib and bedding. Preparing for this shower was by far the most stressful adventure I have had in a long time! I purchased the glider, crib, and bedding 1 to 2 months in advance. The bedding was placed on back order, so I knew it wouldn't arrive on time. However, the glider and bedding came two weeks before the shower. I go to open the glider and it's broken. So, I had to send it back! They promised it would arrive before the shower. I had Richard check the crib and he said that it looked fine. However, The day before the shower, when I go to set it up! It is broken, too! I stay on the phone for almost 45 min trying to find a crib some where in the Houston area, but to no avail! So, I shed a few tears and finally give up! I have resigned to give my sister nothing for her shower! I had planned so much and it was ALL for nothing!!! The only ray of hope was when I got home, I found a brand new glider sitting on my front porch! Wow, that was a blessing that was greatly needed!
The Lord always knows when to provide at the perfect time!

 Thank you, to all the hostesses who helped throw such a wonderful shower for my sister and new little Harley Ryan!

Of course, she has a cracker in hand! I swear she ate the entire plate by herself!