October 11, 2009

Green Beans

Tonight Brooklyn had her first taste of Green Beans. So far, she absolutely hates rice cereal. She locks her lips so tight that you can't get the spoon in! Hopefully, eating green beans won't be so dramatic! (By the way, I tasted the rice cereal and I too agree that it is disgusting!!!)
For some strange reason, more green beans end up out of her mouth than in her mouth!
Nothing like a green-bean-go-tee!!

Me and My Baby

Within the last few days, Brooklyn has started hanging out with her baby. Her are a few pictures of her with her 1st baby doll! It is the start of beautiful friendship!

October 5, 2009


My sister took Brooklyn's 3 month photos. Here is a slideshow of her AWESOME work!

October 4, 2009

Eating with a Spoon

Today Brooklyn ate solid food for the first time from a spoon. She didn't make as much of a mess as I thought she would have. She kept making funny face like "this is totally wrong, where is my bottle!"
Nice a clean: Ready, Set, Go!
Mommy's done!
And, then Daddy takes his turn!
Somehow everything gets a little messier!
Check out these videos!