August 17, 2009

Look Who's talkin'

Yesterday, Brooklyn and I had a little chat.

Richard was at work and we had a little Mother-Daughter bonding!

Here is a video of her talking! (or her version of talking)

August 16, 2009

Gone Fishing

Back in June before Bull Red's (Bryan) wedding,
Richard and his Dad went fishing in Louisiana.
Bull Red and Richard
(They've been friends since 2nd grade!
Way back before sliced bread was invented!)

Richard and His Dad The Guys! (The guide, Bull Red, Mr. V, and Richard) Several days before Bryan's wedding...

... they went fishing again! Twice in one week!

Here's what they caught!

Me and My Bumbo

We have been working on sitting in the Bumbo chair.
Brooklyn is getting pretty good at sitting up straight,
but sometimes she starts to lean....
and sometimes she's had enough!

I'm a BIG Girl!

I'm a BIG Girl! I can hold my bottle ALL by MYSELF!
This past week, Brooklyn held her bottle by herself for the first time!
Watch the video and see for yourself!

August 7, 2009

Grandma and Brooklyn

Brooklyn loves hanging out with her grandma when we visit on Saturday's!

Dinner at Grandma and Pops

A couple weeks ago we ate dinner at my parents house. We had spaghetti and bread (Yummy)!! But, look closely and you'll see that Brooklyn enjoyed the spaghetti too!! Somehow she managed to get spaghetti sauce on her shoulder!
Dad sneaked in this photo from the week before!
She is learning early to be a Dr.Pepper-aholic!

My Family

Here are pictures of my family.
Uncle Bobby
Aunt Linda
Great Granny
Great Grandma

Great Grandpa

August 3, 2009

First Photo Shoot

Here are pictures from Brooklyn's first photo shoot.
Aunt Linda (Linda Holmes Photography) came over
to the house and took these photos 6 days after her birth!
This is a very special outfit!
I came home from the hospital in this cute dress!