July 29, 2012

Great Wolf Lodge

We took a weekend trip to THE GREAT WOLF LODGE in Grapevine, TX with Jarod, Rachel, Jackson, and Baby Shay!

After a 4 1/2 hour car ride, Brooklyn couldn't wait to brush her teeth. She wouldn't put her tooth brush up! 

The hotel had an Arcade, so we had fun riding small ride and playing games to win tickets.

This was a virtual ride, where the chair move as the game moves. It was hilarious to listen to them both make sounds as the video bounced along.

Each night after dinner they have story time!

 Here are a few pictures of the water park. Brooklyn loved riding on the slides and standing under a huge bucket that dumped a ton of water!!!

Jackson got a wand and we went on a Magic Quest Adventure. We had to walk up and down the stairs and all around the hotel to find this magic pictures of statues. We had fun at first and then we all started to get cranky and eventually gave up!

On Sunday, we stopped at Lego Land. We watched a 4D video called SpellMaster and played with all the legos.

They have even created a replica of the city of Grapevine-Dallas, complete with the Great Wolfe Lodge and Cowboy stadium. 

Brooklyn had so much fun!

July 4, 2012

4th of July

I started out my holiday completing a WOD at Crossfit ISI. We then headed to my parent's house for lunch and then to Richard's parents for dinner and fireworks!

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!