March 31, 2013


What a crazy-busy day!! We started off the morning finding the Easter basket that the  Easter Bunny left! It had sidewalk chalk, a princess memory game, Minnie PJs, and princess undies ...along with egg filled with jelly beans, starburst, and Prince and Princess "Little People".

 We then headed out the door to hunt the egg that the Easter Bunny left!
 The Easter bunny left sooo many eggs that her basket was over-flowing!

 We then got ready for church to celebrate the Resurrection of OUR LORD!!! We decided to let Brooklyn stay with us during the church service. We brought an iphone and coloring books. Neither of which kept her entertained very long. Half-way through the service, she loudly proclaimed "Ok, time to go home!". What a stinker!

 After church we went to Richard's Parents for Easter lunch!

 We hunted eggs and then played the traditional confetti eggs.

Yes, Vanessa some how had confetti in her teeth!
After a quick trip home to take a MUCH NEEDED nap, we went to my parent's house for Easter dinner. Brooklyn gave Harley an Easter basket filled with Easter books, Elmo soap, PJs, and sidewalk chalk.
 Unfortunately, bad weather had set in and it was pouring outside. So, we hunted Easter eggs inside the house.
 Bella even tried to sneak off with an egg! But she got caught just in time!

We had such a great Easter DAY. Brooklyn had a few melt-downs during the day, enough to make me want to pull my hair out! But when it was ALL OVER, we had a great day spending time with family and having fun!

Right before it was time to go home, Brooklyn told baby Addison that they would be having fun next Easter finding Easter eggs and she gave her a kiss. What a good big sister! Now if  we can get Brooklyn to understand that Addison is a girl 100% of the time and not say she is a brother, THEN we will be perfect!
We are definitely THANKFUL that we serve a RISEN LORD and can celebrate HIS sacrifice in a joyous way with our family!
HAPPY EASTER to ALL of our family!

March 28, 2013

Easter Bunny

Today we went to see the Easter Bunny! I had a half-day at school, so when I got home we all went to see the Easter Bunny!!

March 18, 2013

Swimming Lessons

Brooklyn had her first swimming lessons today at the Y. Her instructor is Mr. Kyle and he is teaching her to "make a pizza and cut it in half", do the "monkey, airplane, rocketship", float on her back, and go under water to retrieve a ring on the second step!

What a cutie!!!

March 15, 2013

Brazos Bend

To celebrate Spring Break, we took our annual trip to Brazos Bend State Park to see the Alligators. We ate lunch and then walked around the lake.
The weather was beautiful, but every was exhausted after walking a mile and 1/2.