July 16, 2013


Addison has the best aunt in the whole world!
Linda took Addison's newborn photos!

July 9, 2013

1st bath at Home

We gave Addison her first bath at home in the kitchen sink. This first bath was much easier than the first bath with Brooklyn. We were both less nervous about her soapy little body slipping out of our hands! - That has to be a first parent's worst fear.

Nothing like holding a clean baby that smells like baby lotion and sweetness!! - That has be a mother's greatest joy!

July 4, 2013

Going Home

After 4 long days and 3 sleepless nights in the hospital, we were finally able to go home on July 4th! What a day to celebrate your freedom!
 I made the girls a matching dress outfit. Addison's was a little big! :) Addison came home weighing just under 7 pounds. She had lost 11% of her birth weight and was being treated for jaundice.

July 1, 2013

Big Sister

The hospital has a special tradition for siblings. They provide a cake to help celebrate their siblings arrival.

 Brooklyn is going to be an EXCELLENT BIG SISTER!!!

Ready or Not

Ready or Not, here she is....

Addison Grace
July 1st * 8:24 am7lbs 8 oz * 19 3/4 inches long
Delivered by Dr. Michael Leung

Addison's first introduction to her family!!

Getting Ready

In preparation for our new arrival, Brooklyn spent the night with Gigi and Pops. Richard and I woke up extra early 3:30 am and were out the door by 4 am. We had 45 minutes to make it to the hospital. What a joy arriving at 4:45 to get ready to have a baby!
 Bo was ready to go with us! He was so upset he was being left at home!

Our last family photo with just the 3 of us!!!
It was nice to have our family there to welcome baby Addison!

Getting ready for a baby! Won't be long!