June 11, 2010


On June 11th, we hung out with the Hunt's that their Hizzy! We ate pizza and the kids played and danced until they both practically passed out!

June 6, 2010


We took a week long vacation and went to Sam Rayburn Country Club on Lake Sam Rayburn. Our resort was about 10 minutes outside of Jasper. We spent two days at Martin Dies Jr. State Park. We went canoeing and bike riding. The canoeing trip was probably the worst experience of my life. We stuffed 5 people into a four man canoe. The lake had gentle waves, with no breeze and the canoe kept swaying back and forth. There were several times I was sure we were going to capsize. It was so HOT!!! Brooklyn cried and screamed the entire time. We rented the canoe for 4 hours and only ended up canoeing for about 30 minutes.
The next day, Bobby and Linda came up for the night, and we went biking riding at Martin Dies Jr. State Park. It again was so HOT!!
On Friday, We went to Ellen Trout Zoo in Lukin. The Zoo is considered an open concept zoo, you are able to see the animals in an open cage, well except for the really dangerous animals. Even though the enclosures were kind of small, it was nice to actually be able to see the animals.
The Lion enclosure was by far the creepest. There were thin metal bar that held back the lions. There were three lions in the enclosure. At first we only saw two, and then when Brooklyn started to cry, we saw the third lion crouching right below the bars where we were standing. The more Brooklyn cried the scarier and hungier that lion looked.
The Zoo also had a walk-in bird enclosure. You could walk in and follow a little path where the birds and squirrels were in arms reach.

This litttle raccoon was hilarious. He was spralled out on a log, acting like he was asleep. It seemed like he was playing a game with us.

The alligators were within arms reach. I almost felt like the gator could snatch off my arm if I bent over the railing too far.
Peacocks roamed freely all over the zoo. We saw baby peacocks and white albino peacocks.
Here are a few random pictures from the rest of our vacation.